Apparaat voor het maken van Cold-box proeven
Categorie: Laboratorium (test) apparatuur
Apparatus for making specimens
and small cores (COLD-BOX) LUT-c
Laboratory device type LUT-c is used for making specimens and small cores according to the COLD-BOX, Croning, CO2 technologies.
parameters of work are adjustable in 10 programmable modes
- shot time ...........................................................0, 1 - 25, 0 s
- time of curing ...............................................3 - 600 s ( - " - )
- air pressure ....................................................0, 4 - 0, 6 MPa
- drive of elements of the mould and the feeder... - pneumatic
- catalyst temperature ........................................50 - 1000 °C
- heater power ............................................................1300 W
- supply voltage .......................................................220/380 V
- ventilate time of chamber ....................................0,5 - 25,0 s
LUT/LUT-c/w *
*Accessories, supplied separately upon request.
Apparatur zur Herstellung von Cold-Box Prüfkörper LUT-c
Das Gerät dient zur Fertigung stabförmiger Prüfkörper im Cold-Box Verfahren.
Technische Daten
Temperatur einstellbar .........................................100 - 355°C
Schuß Zeit einstellbar .............................................0,1 - 25,0 s
Auswärmung Zeit eistellbar .......................................3 - 600 s
Benötigter Luftdruck .............................................0,4 -0,6 MPa
Nennleistung ...............................................................1300 W
Nennspannung ....................................................220 V, 50 Hz
LUT/LUT-c/w *
*Diese Vorrichtung muß zusätzlich bestellt werden